I took a stroll around campus yesterday with my faithful Nikon. Here's a glimpse of the campus. That yellow brick is everywhere! I prefer it to red already.

Here's Jarvis Hall. Among other departments, it houses Religious and Spiritual Life. Having just graduated from a public university, this concept is blowing my mind. Of course, the department is pluralistic, but that doesn't keep me from appreciating the amazing things they do for us. Rob has an office in here (a campus minister with an office on campus is unheard of). He's considered Assistant Staff, which may not be enough to get him a paycheck, but it
has gotten him furniture, rec center access, and a Macbook Pro. He's not complaining.
Now brace yourself for this--I met the department chair yesterday, and she's making
me assistant staff! Tell me that's not sweet! Fellow interns, eat your hearts out!