Thursday, October 30, 2008

Muddy Buddy

Matt and I raced the Muddy Buddy in Dallas last weekend. The partner race concept was cool: we shared one mountain bike between the two of us. Matt started the race riding it, and I started out running. About 1.5 miles into the 6-7 mile race, Matt reached an obstacle: a big inflatable. He climbed the cargo net to the top and slid down the slide on the other side. Then he started running, leaving the bike behind. Once I came and completed the obstacle, I jumped on the bike and rode. I passed him just before he reached the next obstacle, where we swapped out again.

So we leapfrogged through the entire race until we arrived at the final obstacle, which had to be completed as a team: the namesake obstruction, a 30-yard mud pit through which we had to crawl.

I had a blast, and we placed really well, too. Check out the photos, especially the aftermath of the mud pit. Look for the mud showing in our teeth when we smile. So fun!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mr. Big Stuff

Filmed back in September, this video was directed by the up-and-coming Fletcher "F-bomb" Ash. Experience the joy of an interview gone well, set to the tune "Mr. Big Stuff" by Jean Knight. Indulge me in some serious narcissim.


In addition to my cheeseball moves, this video highlights some of the Magic City's suburbs: Homewood and the Villages (English, Crestline, and Mountain Brook).

Cameos by Vulcan, a med-school cutie, my parents, and the director.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chez moi

As promised, pictures of my abode. As I've been saying, it's the nicest place I've lived since Mom and Dad's house: Nicer than Broun Hall, nicer than FarmHouse, and nicer than beloved albeit dilapidated residence as an upperclassman. So I guess I haven't told you very much about the quality of house I live in. Check it out.
My little office space. What do you think of it?

Living room.

Kitchen. Granite!

Tiny bathroom! It's like a portal to England.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm safe!

Mom, Dad, and Auburn friends...I know you've wondering what I'll do if confronted by a gunslinging desperado. Fortunately, TCU's campus is watched by the same silent guardians as Auburn's. These symbols of security make Fort Worth feel a little more like home. I hope that knowing they're here helps you all sleep more soundly.

this is not Fort Worth

For those of you who imagined I was moving to a place like this, rest assured. I didn't.

trees in Texas

So they do have water, irrigation, and rain here, plus what comes along with that--green things.

These shots from campus will give you an idea of how nice it is here.

yellow brick

I took a stroll around campus yesterday with my faithful Nikon. Here's a glimpse of the campus. That yellow brick is everywhere! I prefer it to red already.

Here's Jarvis Hall. Among other departments, it houses Religious and Spiritual Life. Having just graduated from a public university, this concept is blowing my mind. Of course, the department is pluralistic, but that doesn't keep me from appreciating the amazing things they do for us. Rob has an office in here (a campus minister with an office on campus is unheard of). He's considered Assistant Staff, which may not be enough to get him a paycheck, but it has gotten him furniture, rec center access, and a Macbook Pro. He's not complaining.

Now brace yourself for this--I met the department chair yesterday, and she's making me assistant staff! Tell me that's not sweet! Fellow interns, eat your hearts out!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

relevant logos

Behold the mighty horned frog. Don't even think about calling him a lizard.

My employer and beloved campus ministry

"war eagle" to "go horned frogs"

Such is the inspiration for my second campaign into cyber bloggitory. This time I'm in Fort Worth, Texas, anticipating the furious downpour of Gustav's rain. I'm writing this blog to keep my friends and family informed about my internship with RUF at TCU.

Coming soon: photo's of TCU's campus.